Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Drake is a flop...

Everyone anticipated the free concert that Drake was SUPPOSED to come to but he didn't even show up. What resulted from the concert was fighting, pushing from all angles, and objects thrown everywhere. Standing in a massive crowd of people for a hour and some change yet Drake did not even show up. All I got from that day was a hot temper and a waste of a metrocard swipe. Drunk guys starting fighting putting the crowd into more of a frenzy. So I don't think I'm going to buy his cd. Thanks for nothing Drake!

Grad Day passed..time to grow up

So the day that I have anticipated since freshman year finally came and I'm happier than I ever been. Yes I will miss some of the people that was in my senior class but those who were my true friends will keep in contact. But now the true test begins. College and job hunting has taken a toll on my life and I cannot say that I have not been stressed. The responsibilities of having to make money to pay for college and the necessities that
come with it. But I guess its all part of growing up!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grad Day...College....Life

Can't believe that I'm about to graduate so soon. Always anticipated this moment but it is closer than I thought. By next month I will be a college freshman at L.I.U Brooklyn Campus majoring in Music Industry. Yes you are all in the presence of a star in the process! Feels like just yesterday I was a freshman complaining about when I'm going to leave this school. My senior class is cool and we have fun, but I don't feel attached to them. When we leave I wont cry and be sad. Instead I will be relieved that I'm moving on. Can't wait to move on!

I'm baac!

Hello everybody I am back! New haircut to shed the old undefined stressed in my life. This is my last week of school and I'm ready to start that new chapter in my life. Hope life has been going good for everyone else too...glad to be bac =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day?

Ooo the beloved Valentines Day. The day when you are supposed to celebrate your love or affection for someone. But it doesn't work that way. Now I'm not talking as the bitter female who hates all men because their dogs, I'm just confused as to why people set up ideals of holidays that doesn't quite work 99.9% of the time. Now if you had a beautiful Valentines day then congrats; more power to you. I'm not part of that club. See the problem I faced really was dealing with potential valentines. They acted as if I was the one who asked them to hang with me that day...THEY ASKED ME! Then out of nowhere acts brand new as if they are forced to be with me. So now its 6:45 at night and I'm sitting at the bus stop with my sisters yelling at the wall because these boys wasted my time, and I'm on the verge of a blackout. Ladies and Gentleman you see what Valentines day had done? The pressures of trying to reach the up to the standards of what Valentines day should be, left me talking to a wall. Matter of fact, the wall has been the best Valentines I have ever had. He listens, he doesn't change moods, and I never hear him talk foolishness. Hope yours wasn't as bad..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why blaah?

Why is the way of the world so blaah? No one has serious passions for anything. Everyone is too scared that because their different they wont be qualified as "poppin". Why are we so blaah? Why can't we just be satisfied with ourselves even though it may not look identical to someone else? We are blaah in the sense that we have no definition, no spunk & no creativity. Then when people call themselves different they are only following somebody else's idea of different so please someone tell me, when does the cycle of "follow the leader" end?